Learning Management System

Learning Management System

Create courses and online exams, assign required training, and upload video-taped sessions to streamline education.

Workforce Scheduling

Workforce Scheduling

Use multiple shift patterns to create and auto-generate schedules for your teams. Utilize the Time Clock feature to track attendance for payroll.

Run Log

Run Log

Document and process quality improvement activities associated with a run while keeping everyone in the loop with communication and alerts.

Additional Features

Credential Management

Credential Management

Track professional industry- and company-specific credentials, manage company requirements and send automated alerts.

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Quality Improvement Tracker

Quality Improvement Tracker

Track performance data while keeping everyone in the loop on incident investigations.

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Risk Assessment

Risk Assessment

Conduct Risk Assessment and determine threshold level of risk with automatic notification alerting.

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Form + Checklist Builder

Form + Checklist Builder

Provide organized documentation with workflow communication and data reports.

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H.R. + Employee Health Records

H.R. + Employee Health Records

Easily manage personnel records and track Employee Health events, immunizations, OSHA reportable events and more.

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Accreditation Assistant

Accreditation Assistant

The Accreditation Assistant is specifically formatted to ease the application stage for accreditation and reaccreditation of the CAAS Standards Version 3.0 and CAMTS Standards 12th edition.

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Central Calendar

Central Calendar

Schedule, communicate and administer company-wide or department-specific events.

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Communication Tools

Communication Tools

Create your own online bulletin boards, announce events, and easily share company news.

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Real-Time + Scheduled Reporting

Real-Time + Scheduled Reporting

Templated or custom reports allow you to showcase compliance with accreditation requirements.

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Resource Center

Resource Center

Store and manage unlimited data such as company directory, safety data sheets, and more.

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NBS Educational Library

NBS Educational Library

EMS, Nursing, Fire and Safety courses available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

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Verification Monitoring

Verification Monitoring

Automated OIG exclusion and sanction searches plus license verification.

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Our specialty? Serving industries with demanding compliance, training, and coordination needs.

  • Air Medical Air Medical
    Air Medical
  • Fire Fire
  • Health Care Health Care
    Health Care
  • Communication / Dispatch Communication / Dispatch
    Communication / Dispatch
  • Pharmaceutical Pharmaceutical
  • Your Industry Your Industry
    Your Industry


First responders are presented with complex situations, dangerous environments and loads of reporting requirements. With over a hundred government and privately owned clients, we understand the complex world of compliance management. Our integrated solution is designed to help organizations keep their business in check to serve the public. Manage crew schedules, track QI incidents, accident investigation, and much more.

Learn more about our EMS Management Software

Air Medical Air Medical

Air Medical

We know safety and service excellence is top priority in the air medical community which is why we created tools to help. NBS tracks employee credentials and recertification requirements. Forms such as flight debrief and peer reviews help you collect utilization data and can be used in conjunction with the Quality Improvement module in our HIPAA compliant system. And don’t forget our learning management tools to keep the team informed and educated.

Learn more about our Air Medical Management Software

Fire Fire


Whether your department is made up of volunteers, part-time staff, or full-time members, Ninth Brain is the right choice for your agency. We can help you easily track hourly training requirements, deliver online education, document daily vehicle inspections, and gather feedback to keep everyone in the loop.

Learn more about our Fire Department Management Software

Health Care Health Care

Health Care

Whether it’s a large organization serving thousands, or a small rural agency, NBS helps organizations ensure regulatory compliance, improve their bottom line, and pass those savings onto their customers. NBS offers features that help you manage employee credentials, schedule crew shifts, deliver online education, and much more!

Learn more about our Healthcare Management Software

Communication / Dispatch Communication / Dispatch

Communication / Dispatch

Whether 911 or scheduled transport, Ninth Brain will simplify the complexities facing today's Comm Centers. From the use of our Learning Management System to train staff on important procedures and protocols, to our forms module where you can record trainee evaluations, NBS provides numerous features to streamline your business activities. We are here to help!

Pharmaceutical Pharmaceutical


Built to “best practices” standard, NBS can be customized quickly to meet the unique needs of your organization. Use the NBS software to help stay on top of Employee Conduct, HIPAA violations, and policy/procedure/protocol issues. Add the Verification Monitoring program to ensure your staff is fully credentialed and allowed to work per the OIG.

Your Industry Your Industry

Your Industry

We are growing and branching out more and more every day. We would enjoy the challenge of engaging an organization in a new environment. Reach out to us today to see how we can help you with your company and employee compliance requirements.

Why Choose Ninth Brain?

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Used by people like you.

  • 1 of 20

    “I have been in EMS Administration for eight years and the difference between the old way and the Ninth Brain way is ‘night and day different’ – especially as it relates to the scheduling platform. There are other systems that ‘get the job done’ but nothing is as robust and useful as Ninth Brain has been. We have a union shop and so scheduling is very complicated – but NBS can handle our demands; it is a ‘savior for time’. The level of support you receive from Ninth Brain is unparalleled. The fact that we can reach a live person, or get a quick response is ‘unheard of’ with other software companies.”

    Operations Manager Medic One Ambulance, St. Louis, MO
  • 2 of 20

    Ninth Brain has been a game changer when it comes to maintaining an Air Ambulance Organization. With the ever changing compliance and accreditation standards , Ninth Brian systems stay ahead of the curve and provide multiple solutions for us to accomplish all of our goals in one central system. This system allows us to focus on running the business, knowing our compliance is maintained and trackable on a daily basis.

    System Administrator Guardian Flight, South Jordan, UT
  • 3 of 20

    We have been using Ninth Brain for the last 4.5 years. This software has allowed our fire department to evolve from documenting training hours utilizing 1980’s technology [scantron paper system] to upgrading to a 21st century on-line Training Tracker. This system allows our firefighters to document their training instantly with any electronic device that supports internet connectivity, which enables the training division and administration to track the amount of training hours conducted in real time.

    Captain Indianapolis Fire Department, Indianapolis, IN
  • 4 of 20

    Ninth Brain is a wonderful tool for those individuals/agencies that want a program that is all inclusive. From employee demographics to taking online classes to tracking of certifications; it also includes a quality improvement module for those that track incidents for trending and teaching purposes.

    Education Coordinator ETMC-EMS, Tyler, TX
  • 5 of 20

    As a training supervisor Ninth Brain has made the task of keeping up with all of our employees training and certifications a breeze! I don’t see how we could make it without Ninth Brain. The process of creating online courses, posting policies to employees and managing certifications is so much easier with this software. We have created online forms for our trainers to document new employees daily progress and saved on filing cabinet storage. The customer service support staff at Ninth Brain is top notch. They always have my questions answered quickly. I have recommended their company to many 911 agencies over the years and will continue to do so.

    Training Supervisor Montgomery County TN 911, Clarksville, TN
  • 6 of 20

    As the footprint of Sanford Health has grown so have the operations of Sanford AirMed. Ninth Brain has been an instrumental tool in our ability to organize, standardize and communicate effectively throughout our operations. Ninth Brain has also been a key component in the development and administration of our safety and quality programs.

    Enterprise Executive Director Sanford Air Transport, Fargo, ND
  • 7 of 20

    We have been using Ninth Brain since 2013 for our Learning Management System, Human Resources and credentialing needs and have found the platform to be versatile. The Ninth Brain staff are wonderful to work with if there is a system issue. I have found their technical support staff to be top notch and highly responsive to our needs. I have recommended the Ninth Brain system to a number of different EMS and Fire agencies over the years and I stand by their product.

    E-Learning Content Development and System Administrator Indianapolis EMS, Indianapolis, IN
  • 8 of 20

    We have been utilizing Ninth Brain Suite in our operations for the past 8 years. This website has proven itself to be invaluable and un-paralleled within the EMS industry. We have literally lost track of how many problems it has solved for us.

    Chief Operating Officer Three Rivers Ambulance Authority, Fort Wayne, IN
  • 9 of 20

    This is an extraordinarily powerful tool. Frankly, I think it’s one of the greatest technological tools to come along to help EMS providers in the past 10 to 15 years. I would absolutely recommend NBS to other EMS organizations.

    Executive Director New Britain EMS, New Britain, CT
  • 10 of 20

    Ninth Brain Suite offers the Emergency Medical Services (EMS) industry the best tools to produce continuing education and the infrastructure to support administrative functions in an integrated method that leads to greater employee satisfaction, success and improved patient care.

    Director of Clinical Services EMSA, Oklahoma City, OK
  • 11 of 20

    Ninth Brain Suite rocks! Of all the data programs and systems I work with…Ninth Brain Suite is by far the best platform!

    Projects Administrator SEMSA, Merced, CA
  • 12 of 20

    The OIG is diligently working to identify and prosecute violations for sanctions, exclusions and licensing. We should all be thankful that the OIG is assuring that all providers are playing by the rules. The NBS saves a tremendous amount of time, worry and money for EMS providers who want to assure they are compliant in a pervasive manner that takes the work out of this important facet of EMS compliance. Simply put in the age of doing more with less, The Ninthbrain Verification Monitoring System is a no brainer.

    Chief Operating Officer Samaritan EMS, Del City, OK
  • 13 of 20

    Ninth Brain has changed how we provide education within our organization. Taking us to the digital era reducing the amount of time used to track and document competencies, required education and credentials. Additionally, allowing our staff to create innovative ways to provide education through an online platform is exceptional. The customer service through Ninth Brain is remarkable! Thank you for all you do to support MedFlight!

    Director of Education MedFlight, Columbus, OH
  • 14 of 20

    The optimization review was very informative and gave us the opportunity to see how well we were utilizing each component of Ninth Brain. It was a great reminder of features we weren’t currently using and how to best incorporate those features in the future. The follow-up notes were very helpful.

    EMS Manager East Central Illinois EMS,
  • 15 of 20

    Bringing Ninth Brain on-board to sort out our daily requirements, as well as our quality improvement process, was the best thing we ever did. Their staff is incredibly attentive and understanding of the air medical industry as we explained what we have done in the past and offered great suggestions on how to improve it. This program is a must for anyone in the industry looking to organize their operations process.

    Clinical Educator West Michigan Air Care, Kalamazoo, MI
  • 16 of 20

    We began using NBS just before our CAMTS accreditation which drastically reduced our preparation time and survey time. It has been a game-changer with tracking quality metrics, education records, and incident reporting! We love the functionality and flexibility and the customer service is excellent!

    Clinical Operations Manager UNC Health Care, Durham, NC
  • 17 of 20

    I would love to give a huge shout out to the entire NinthBrain team! At the start of 2023 our agency decided to give NBS Scheduling a trial period. We were already using NBS heavily in our operation for record keeping, credentials, and QI Incident tracking and thought incorporating the scheduling component would be seamless and beneficial – which it certainly was! Our previous scheduling platform was simply not designed for EMS or even a 24hr operation and required a ton of manual work to publish the schedule. NinthBrain Scheduling has made the management of our schedule nearly automatic.   During our 90-day trial I started building out different schedules in NBS to see how much effort it was going to take and to see if it would work for our agency. We were able to determine well before our 90-day trial was up that this was the scheduling platform we needed. In no time I was able to build out schedules for each area of our operation. NBS has allowed us to build out dynamic schedules that allow us to offer a variety of scheduling options to staff. We now have schedules that are set weekly, some that have an A/B rotation, and even some on an ABC rotation that allows our EMTs to remain full-time while completing paramedic school. The seamlessness between NBS scheduling and the other areas of the platform has helped tremendously with managing the operation. It is the little integrations that really make this system shine, like work restrictions flagging on the schedule if there are any set up on an employee’s individual primary record, not allowing shift pickups when an employee has expired credentials or automatically applying points to an employee in our attendance point system based on the reasoning selected for removing them from a schedule.   The entire NinthBrain team has been fantastic with helping us build out this system and even implementing several of our suggestions. I routinely look for ways to utilize NBS to simplify everyday aspects of our operation and greatly look forward to all the great system upgrades that are yet to come!     Stay Safe, Stay Positive

    Lead Operations Supervisor TransCare, Tampa, FL
  • 18 of 20

    Choosing the Ninth Brain scheduling system was an easy decision following the opportunity to utilize a free 30-day trial to preview the features. Since electing to add the scheduling module, we have been able to significantly improve our employee’s ability to pick up open shifts, request shift swaps and time off, monitor their own PTO balances and so much more. Ninth Brain scheduling has eased the stress of scheduling for our employees and improved the efficiency of timesheet processing for our admin team. In a time where, EMS retention is of the highest priority and schedule flexibility is a must for providers and their family, a system that provides it all is an essential. Five years ago, we were using pen and paper for scheduling task and time sheets. Now I can’t imagine not having Ninth Brain.

    Clinical Director LifeCare EMS, Carthage, MS
  • 19 of 20

    The Ninth Brain accreditation Assistant worked very well for completing our PIF submission. The tool made it easy to collect documents from multiple team members and create an exportable file where we could easily upload to the CAMTS site. We will absolutely utilize this as we start working towards our next accreditation!

    Chief Flight Nurse Metro Life Flight, Cleveland, OH
  • 20 of 20

    Our experience with Ninth Brain's Optimization Review has been outstanding. I highly recommend this review to any organization looking to optimize their processes and achieve better efficiency. The review process was thorough and insightful, providing us with actionable recommendations that significantly enhanced our operations.

    Director Putnam County EMS, Winfield, WV
Expiring Credential Alerts Sent
Course Completions
QI Notifications Sent
Form Submissions