For years we have enjoyed exhibiting at Pinnacle and thrilled to be the Learning Partner! Sad that we won’t be seeing clients, and meeting new folks, in person this year.
However, it’s great to see some conferences are staying the course and providing virtual alternatives during these trying times…..

Happening on Monday, July 27 of our Virtual Pinnacle Leadership Summit- Dealing with the Financial Fallout:
Pinnacle Transport volumes have been reduced significantly in the last several months – sometimes by as much as 40%. This timely session will outline strategies to deal with the EMS and fire service realities of an economic downturn, particularly how to cope with the loss of sales and property taxes impacting subsidies/budgets and reduced volumes’ direct impact on declining transport revenue.
Fitch & Associates Partner, Dr. Steve Knight and Senior Consultant Bruce Moeller will provide insight and advice on navigating the turbulent financial issues.
Register here: